Blip.TV Action Streams Plugin

I’ve just created a plugin for Action Streams to include a link to one’s show in the profile, as well as include new shows in the Action Stream. It’s not in the Movable Type Plugin Directory yet, as it always takes a few days for them to pick up new submissions, but you can download it right now from here, or see it with its sibling Action Streams plugins in the Movable Type category.


Welcome to Malice Afterthought!

Hello, world! Welcome to the new enterprise, Malice Afterthought.


WebApp Prototypes

These are full web applications which you can play with. Note that they’re not necessarily fully production-ready, but they generally work more than not. If you’d like to use them for something more robust, feel free to contact me.



  • Data::Microformat v. 0.04 A module to handle parsing/creation of hCards and hAtom from (X)HTML. Has a variety of useful features. Available on CPAN.
