Useful Tools

I’ve been working on a lot of different projects lately, and run into a few really great tools; I thought I’d mention some of them, in addition to a new utility I’ve written.


Opening a Closed Book

Facebook is an extraordinarily closed platform.


Facebook Application: YourData

The content here has been moved to


My Worst Interview

In my heading-on five years at Hopkins, I’ve interviewed with an incredible array of companies. Big, small, from stealth startups to companies with 80K people. Some of them I’ve liked– a few, I’ve even had the pleasure of working for. Even the ones I didn’t like, I’ve treated with respect; I don’t believe in burning companies just for its own sake. I have never yet, however, been as deceived or as horrified in an interview as I was today, and because of the nature of the business (illegal) and its owner (working under false pretenses), I feel that I have a duty to share my story.
