Um... Not So Much

Colleen McGarry, Six Apart’s office manager / house mother (the person who makes sure we don’t walk in front of traffic, who finds staplers for us when we’re holding them, and all those other things to make sure work happens occasionally around here), has to put up with a lot. I won’t disclose who mailed this letter… but I can assure you that I’ll be making fun of them shortly. :-)


Six Apart - They Haz Open

Six Apart has been for the last eight weeks an unbelievable ride in a variety of ways– the people, culture, and technology here are all just fantastic. Not only are 6A’s people some of the best anywhere, but they’re all amazingly friendly, and willing even to help answer the questions of a most definite n00b.


Information Sluts

Yesterday, when I saw this article, I had a flashback to a conversation I had with a family friend back in May. She’s a labor attorney, and a very astute advocate of civil liberties, having fought for the rights of workers for her entire career. She has to fly incredibly frequently for her job, however, and I asked her how she dealt with the insanity that is TSA:


Six An-Insanity

Lest you think that all we get done here is creating the future of the web as we know it… see David’s video of a typical moment (in preparation for the Intern Olympics, about which I will no doubt post soon) at Six Apart:
