
So it’s been awhile since I last posted, mostly because of a rush of work. As I write this, I’m sitting on an Amtrak train to New Haven, CT, as I’m going to visit Quinlan at Yale. I can’t post from the train, unfortunately– while I’m eyeing the Sprint wireless broadband dongle of the person next  to me, I doubt he’d be willing to share.



“Nice– now I don’t ever have to talk to you to see what you are doing.”


Action Streams, Privacy, and Harvesting Data

While browsing through Twitter messages a week or two ago, I encountered a message from David, pointing me to his new website. Go check it out for a minute, then come back.


New Semester

So obviously, my good intentions about blogging more often didn’t work out so well upon returning to Hopkins– but hey, life is complex. So what’re the cool (seriously!) things that’ve been stealing my time away from the Blogoverse?
