UWC-USA: Blue Moon Cafe, Reunion 2009

Hello, friendly blogoverse! I haven’t written in far too long, and unfortunately, I’m too busy right now to do the post I’d planned to put up today. However, I got back just a few days ago from the UWCAW Reunion in Montezuma, NM, and managed to take a few videos of the Blue Moon Cafe (a sort of UWC variety show) we held there; I promised everyone I’d upload them, so here they are! (You can, of course, click through to YouTube to favorite them and share them with people; just click on the video.)



At very long last, my thesis is done. The final title is “Mnikr: Reputation Construction Through Human Trading of Distributed Social Identities.” I’ve just now turned in my last thing at Hopkins (my final in my security engineering class), and so it’s over; after five years, I’m done with work at Hopkins. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be playing video games, just like I haven’t been for years. :-)


Verbs for Devices

Much as I did last year, I’m writing a proposal for research in a particular field, that would be cool if someone (perhaps me) would pursue it; this year, as I’m finishing up an independent study in human-computer interaction– interestingly, with one of the same professors from that course last year, who was cool enough I was inspired not just to take this course, but actually to have him advise me on my thesis as a whole. I haven’t been blogging much as I finish said thesis, and the myriad other things at the end of five years at Hopkins, but I thought that this proposal might interest a few of you. Enjoy.


New GitHub Action Streams Plugin

Continuing my series of Action Streams plugins, I’ve added a new one for GitHub, since after all, if I’m using GitHub for development of these plugins, it’d be in poor taste if it didn’t get its own plugin! :-)
