I was fortunate enough to be invited to speak about the research I did during the fall semester at the ShmooCon conference in Washington, D.C. this past weekend. Beyond merely being able to present my work to a wide audience, I got to meet a lot of great people, and reconnect with some old friends from Hopkins and elsewhere– always a good time!
I also was able to publicly announce that my company, Malice Afterthought, won a DARPA Cyber Fast Track research award to develop the software command and control components to complement the hardware on which I was presenting– the awesomely-named (in the opinion of the Internet, it would appear) F-BOMB system. I begin that work tomorrow, and I hope to be able to present the outcome later this year.
Many thanks to Andy Greenberg for writing an awesome preview article for my speech, that subsequently was picked up by Engadget, Gizmodo, and even Slashdot (update: now, also Computerworld, Wired GeekDad, SecurityMonkey, and MSNBC), to the Shmoo Group, for accepting my talk, and to those brave souls who suffered through a demo talk last week at Sector67– which mightily improved the final product!
The talk was streamed live on UStream, but due to some DNS issues with the internal conference network, only half of it made it out; accordingly, the recording team at the conference was kind enough to allow me to upload my speech immediately to YouTube. It’s therefore embedded below for your viewing pleasure (or directly on YouTube) and slides are below that (or on Scribd).
Sacrificial Computing for Land and Sky - ShmooCon 2012<iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" src="http://www.scribd.com/embeds/79682729/content?start_page=1&view_mode=slideshow&access_key=key-20z5lx5l1ayvx3yb03c0" data-auto-height="true" data-aspect-ratio="1.33333333333333" scrolling="no" id="doc_32926" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>
(Updated: January 30, 2012, adding the Computerworld article.)
(Updated: January 31, 2012, adding the GeekDad and MSNBC articles.)
(Updated: February 4, 2102, adding the SecurityMonkey article.)