A Guide to Social Networks for the Tragically Uncool, Part 2: Google Reader

Note: this is part two in my series, “A Guide to Social Networks for the Tragically Uncool.” For Part 1, click here.


A Guide to Social Networks for the Tragically Uncool, Part 1

Dearest and Most Exalted Professor and Advisor,


Mnikr: Locked Down for New Launch

I’ve gone ahead and locked down Mnikr behind an Apache Username/Password gate, because I’ve pushed the last feature changes to it now, and need to wait for my advisor’s approval before letting users sign up when they can actually do all the reputation trading! Hence, please check back next week (Tues/Wed) for a full launch, announced, one might hope, in all the most fashionable locations. :-)


Large Mnikr Feature Add

I just pushed a lot of changes to the production server:
