
I’ve been reading a few articles recently on distractions and productivity. In general, they share the central thesis that “distractions are bad and kill your work.”


Homeless on the Internet

As a student, I’ve had the remarkably painful experience of moving every blasted year for the last seven years. Every May, I have to pack everything I own into boxes, stuff the boxes into either a storage area or some sort of moving device (or, several times, both, as I’ve had to move to a storage area for a few months, then move from it back to a different apartment), then leave. This is annoying– and it’s particularly so in light of the knowledge that nine months after I unpack, I’ll have to do it all again, first because I was switching dorms, then apartments. What a pain.


Real-Life Achievements

A few months ago, I purchased Wii Fit, partially to see what all the buzz was about, and partially to see if I might actually play it somewhat regularly. I do enjoy it, though this academic year has left me with less time to play than I might like.



So I’ve never been much of one for New Year’s resolutions. For one thing, I usually don’t particularly need a “new year” as an incentive to do things; if I wish to do them, I can simply do them. For another, it falls in the middle of a break from school– so this is the wrong sort of time to be starting big new projects, as I’m not really in a mood to work. :-)
