Recluses From a Digital Age

This weekend, I have the privilege of attending PublicMediaCamp 2010, an unconference run by iStrategyLabs along with NPR, PBS, and CPB. It’s the second one, and I’ve had a blast at both so far; many kudos to Peter Corbett and Andy Carvin, who have played host to the rest of us.


At Last - Malice Afterthought

“So if you’re at Google, why haven’t you talked about it?”


Why Hire Brendan?

I mean, it’s a legitimate question. There are plenty of engineers on the market these days; while we don’t have any trouble finding work, there are plenty of good engineers around if you know how to look. So why should someone hire me in particular?


Floating Like a Cloud!

At extraordinarily long last, for those of you who’ve heard me talking about this for a month or two, I’ve completed the migration of my homesite away from the venerable Linode and over to this thing oddly known as “the cloud.”
