Moving MT Plugins to GitHub

Since GitHub seems to be the “cool new place” to host open source code, and since I have no earthly reason to leave my MT plugins in a private repository, I’ve moved the code for all my Movable Type plugins to GitHub. The Movable Type page here will continue to have current information, as well as download links, for all of the plugins, but you can also obtain them from GitHub if you prefer.


Corrupting the Next Generation

I occasionally get called to do odd jobs in the role of “CS Posterboy,” as, it seems, very few people in my department can speak to prefreshmen and their parents. My college visits didn’t involve my parents– I went alone, which I highly recommend to anyone looking, as it’s a completely different experience to actually visit a campus without your parents waiting in the car.


Mnikr: Twitter Fixed, Page Rendering Changes

Twitter data is now displaying correctly on profile pages.


Mnikr: Loads Decreased, Twitter Made Better

Just a few more changes today:
