Multiple Atom Feeds!

So for all those people not really interested in subscribing to a big feed, I’ve added two category feeds that will let you subscribe to just what you want from Malice Aforethought:


Mnikr Prime Downtime

Mnikr Prime was partially down (the user creation wasn’t functioning, and all ActivityStreams functionality wasn’t working) earlier today. It’s back up now, and I’m working to correct the underlying cause; remember, Alpha-quality software. :-)



A collection of random things I’ve been working on:


Hat of Darkness

Last week, I had the incredible fortune to be invited to volunteer for the BlackHat DC 2009 conference, held in Crystal City. I’ve read about the BlackHat conferences for years, of course; they’re some of the premier security conferences in the world, differentiated from other great security conferences (e.g., USENIX) by their focus on systems in the real world and how specifically to break them, rather than how to create new countermeasures, or study what hackers are doing. In other words, these are the hackers, in the most traditional sense; these are the people who see systems, and seek to understand how they work– especially if they might work in ways their designers didn’t intend.
