Movable Type

These are plugins I’ve created for the blogging software I (and many others) use, Movable Type. I primarily create plugins for Action Streams, which are very small, but people find them useful. You can see all of them demoed on


Open Web Lecture

I had the opportunity to give a guest lecture today. The course is called “Developing Photo and Video Applications For Online Social Networks,” but it’s essentially a course about developing for Facebook. They asked me to lecture on the alternative– namely, developing on the Open Web, and what that’s all about anyway.



Only in Montana would a gas station have a sign that says “We have Bluetooth Headsets and MGD!”


Inauguration in MT

Today, my family and I went up to Helena, MT to see the state inauguration– the Governor, legislators, various executive branch people, and a new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court were all being sworn in. Always fun to see the difference in politics between the national level and Montana.
